I found this key ring that had a boy and a girl kissing, what caught my eye though is the boy had his eyes closed but the girl had her eyes open. Maybe wasn`t even that relevant to the one who designed it but this is what i think.
She's gauging how much he is into that kiss, you could say he is savoring the kiss, she is analyzing it like a soap opera; from all angles.
Imagine the same thing when it comes to dating, men are likely to put all their cards on the table in terms of how they feel their expectations and desires leaving little to hold back. She on the other hand might do the same but to her it is more important if the man can read her intentions without her saying and that is why more and more women don't say what they mean. They expect you to read between the lines, deduce what is on the other side; what she truly feels.
I'd say the only area I'd feel for a guy that would equate to this is in fantasizing about sex in this notion. Sex and masturbation as are totally different to a degree I'd even say sex rarely is as good as an average good fap, which might come as a surprise to a girl, don't get me wrong most men who might even agree to this will still choose sex over a fap any day of the week what might happen though is since a fap tends to be quick and satisfying maybe to the end for some, others hate the ending what it might lead to is a disconnect when you do find yourself with an actual girl, the pussy wont be as quick to please so you might move in a sense then as you're used to like it's a weak grasp from a hand totally out of sync with the girl till she even fades away from your mind as you search for the sweet spot, the infamous g spot till you finally cum and note she felt nothing and you wonder how to up your game.
They do say masturbation for a guy is perfectly normal & healthy but I would let you know for a guy learn how to feel where you stick it in and if anything watch porn to also learn how thrust, speed, penetration and such mixed with proper reaction to her works so you do that instead of becoming the energizer bunny.
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